“migraineurs” Frontier Poetry | November 2020
“L.A.’s catastrophic dreams” American Mustard | February 2015
“spring linens like ragged swans" American Mustard | February 2015
“the girls’ bedroom speaks” American Mustard | February 2015
“before Momma left Mexico” and “letters to Acapulco, my Mother’s home” The Acentos Review | May 2013
“i’m not a real Mexican” The Legendary Vol. 26 | March 2011
To Her Ribcage Like a Rosary
Self-published chapbook. Its 10 most overused nouns are girl, mexican, name, hair, momma, language, school, palms, saint, boy. Released June 2012. Cover art by Guillermo Millán. 17 poems for $7 (includes shipping).
"Montebello Sunset" by Lola Alvarado